Friday, May 2, 2008

Text Effect: Picture Inside

Operating System : MS Windows XP
Application : Adobe Photoshop CS or newer

1. Choose File>New with height: 150 pixel, width: 300 pixel, resolution: 72 pixels/inch, mode: RGB Color, and background contents: White.
2. Choose Horizontal Type Tool (T) from the tool box, set font: Arial Black and size: 80 point (from the option bar).

3. Click on the canvas and type “DUNE” (without quotation marks).

4. Choose Edit>Free Transform, then drag the handle to resize the text bigger.

5. After that, press ENTER on your keyboard to confirm the changes.
6. Choose Layer>Rasterize>Type.
7. Choose Select>All, Edit>Cut and Edit>Paste to center the text.
8. Choose File>Open... to choose the picture to place inside the text. (For this example, I use DUNE.TIF on Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop\Samples.) Then click Open to load the file.
9. Choose Select>All, Edit>Copy to copy the picture into the clipboard.
10. Choose File>Close to close the picture.
11. Choose Select>Load Selection... then click OK to display the selection around the text.

12. Choose Edit>Paste Into to place the picture inside the text.

13. Choose Move Tool (V) on the tool box then drag the image inside the text as you desire.