Showing posts with label Burning Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burning Fire. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2008

Text Effect: Burning Fire

Operating System : MS Windows XP
Application : Adobe Photoshop CS or newer

1. Click on the Default Foreground and Background Colors (D) in the toolbox to make the color black/white, then click the Switch Foreground and Background Colors (X) in the toolbox to make the color white/black.

2. Choose File>New with height: 150 pixel, width: 400 pixel, resolution: 72 pixels/inch, mode: Grayscale, and background contents: Background Color.

3. Choose Horizontal Type Tool (T) from the tool box, set font: Arial Black and size: 100 point (from the option bar).

4. Click on the canvas and type “BURN!” (without quotation marks).

5. Use Move Tool (V) in the tool box to move the text a little bit lower.

6. Choose Layer>Flatten Image to merge all the layers into one layer.
7. Choose Image>Rotate Canvas>90 CCW to rotate the canvas 90 degree counter clock wise.
8. Choose Filter>Stylize>Wind... with direction: From the Right, click OK.

9. Choose Filter>Wind two times.

10. Choose Image>Adjustments>Invert to inverse the color (black/white).
11. Choose Filter>Wind.

12. Choose Image>Rotate Canvas>90 CW (rotate the canvas 90 degree clock wise) to return its normal state.

13. Choose Image>Adjustments>Invert to inverse the color to its normal state (white/black).

14. Choose Filter>Distort>Ripple… with amount: 80, size: Medium, click OK.

15. Choose Image>Mode>Indexed Color to change the color mode from grayscale to indexed.
16. Choose Image>Mode>Color Table… with table: Black Body, click OK.